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a few of our favorites

LifeConciergeTM Hall of Fame

Finding Pediatric Behavioral Therapy

"I love Overalls. Great service and saves a busy mom like me a lot of time! Thank you!"

Sam turned to Overalls to help find a suitable pediatric behavioral therapist for her son, who required therapy not covered by insurance.

Gina, her dedicated LifeConcierge, compiled a list of pediatric therapists accepting new patients near Sam's location. After reviewing the initial options, Sam updated her preferences and Gina promptly responded with another set of therapists, ensuring they met Sam's criteria.

The assistance provided by Gina allowed Sam to focus on her family while Overalls handled the logistics of finding the right therapy option for her son.

Time saved

5+ hours

Stress avoided

Combing through a huge list of providers

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Medicaid Assisted Living Bed

"WOW! Beth was incredibly helpful... She did an amazing amount of work to help us find the best location options for Mom, and with the 'real' preparedness for what steps are next. We felt Beth's deep compassion and concern with Mom's decline, and she sincerely helped us with the very critical housing needs in Mom's final journey. This overcame how overwhelmed we felt trying to do this on our own."

John reached out to Overalls to find a Medicaid assisted living bed for his mother, whose long-term care coverage was ending soon. With the challenges of securing Medicaid residency and navigating waitlists, John sought help in locating a suitable facility close to his father.

Beth began by conducting extensive research, identifying and contacting six assisted living facilities participating in the Medicaid program. Recognizing the critical nature of the situation, Beth called each facility to inquire about current availability and their admissions process.

Beth left detailed voicemails, engaged in follow-up calls, and diligently documented each facility's response. This thorough approach ensured John received the comprehensive information needed to make informed decisions for his mother's care.

Time saved

3+ hours

Stress avoided

Researching medical options

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Medical Record Mystery

"I truly appreciate all of your work on this - I have been trying to track these records down for ages and wasn't getting anywhere!!!"

In a labyrinth of bureaucracy and disconnected phone lines, Jake embarked on a mission to reclaim his medical records from a defunct provider.

Gaby, his dedicated LifeConcierge, diligently pursued various avenues to track down Jake's elusive medical records. After exploring outdated record portals and making numerous calls, Gaby finally connected with the right source. They informed Gaby that Jake's records were in the process of being transferred to a new medical group. With this crucial information, Jake can now monitor the progress of his record transfer and has a direct point of contact for any inquiries.

Time saved

More than 5 hours!

Stress avoided

Avoided hours of detective work

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Understanding  Long-Term Care Insurance

"Thank you so much. It's very comprehensive, and the links are extremely helpful."

In the quest for long-term care insurance, Roger turned to Overalls for advice. Overall’s expert LifeConcierge pulled together a comprehensive summary of the coverage to help get him on the right track.

His LifeConcierge advised him of the best time to secure the coverage to minimize his costs while not sacrificing his ability to get insured. She outlined the different coverage options and introduced him to carriers that best fit his needs. 

Roger's unsteady exploration into long-term care insurance evolved into a delightful and stress-free experience into security.

Time saved

More than 5 hours!

Stress avoided

Escaping task of deciphering complex insurance options

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Clean Teeth

"It’s taken me three months to book these dentist appointments for my son and I. You guys got it done in days! Thank you!"

Erica had been trying to book dental appointments for herself and her son, but confirming insurance coverage with a dentist she liked turned into an exasperating game of phone tag. Feeling overwhelmed, she decided to reach out to her LifeConcierge for assistance.

Her LifeConcierge promptly contacted the dentist's office, worked with the receptionist to confirm that they accepted her insurance, and scheduled the appointments. Taking care of the entire process, her LifeConcierge even sent her a detailed calendar reminder!

Now, Erica and her son have clean teeth and smiles to show for it.

Time saved

More than 5 hours!

Stress avoided

Avoided dealing with the time-consuming process

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Medical Authorization!

Julie was persistent with the parties I was dealing with and managed to accomplish something (getting the direct phone number of a person) that I have been unable to do. I appreciated her updates and helpful nudges to push us forward” 

Jame's wife had a medical procedure that required authorization—and, unfortunately due to a clerical error, the insurance company had no proof of this documentation. He knew this was a problem for LifeConcierge. 

Jame’s LifeConcierge spent nearly a week calling the appropriate parties at the insurance company and following up. And, sure enough, his LifeConcierge was finally able to get a specialist from the insurance company to assist with the case, confirm the authorized services and resolve the outstanding billing issues.

Time saved

5+ hours

Stress avoided

Avoided future payment penalties

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LASIK eye surgery!

Any time you feel that "ugh" like "I want to procrastinate this because I'm overwhelmed with the details" -- THAT is the time to email Overalls! ” 

Taking advantage of her new remote work policy, Katie was all set to move from NYC to Hawaii. Just one final thing before her new workcation life began: LASIK eye surgery.

She felt that it was best to get the procedure sooner rather than later, but didn’t want the surgery to get in the way of her trip. So, she reached out to her LifeConcierge for help.

Her LifeConcierge was tasked with finding in-network options in both states—so they could find the most affordable option. After finding several in-network options, Katie decided to do the appointment in Hawaii and her LifeConcierge scheduled a consultation.

Katie had her procedure later that year and was relieved to have saved quite a bit of money thanks to the insurance expertise of her LifeConcierge and hours of research and coordination.  

Time saved

5+ hours

Stress avoided

Eliminated the need to delay her move

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life’s too short

Let Overalls tackle your toughest tasks.

Send your headaches to Overalls so you can spend your time on what matters most — your work, your family, and your life.

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